
An adequate covariate selection is a key step in population pharmacokinetic modelling. In this study, the automated stepwise covariate modelling technique (‘scm’) was compared to full random effects modelling (‘frem’). We evaluated the power to identify a ‘true’ covariate (covariate with highest correlation to the pharmacokinetic parameter), precision, and accuracy of the parameter-covariate estimates. Furthermore, the predictive performance of the final models was assessed. The scenarios varied in covariate effect sizes, number of individuals (n = 20–500) and covariate correlations (0–90% cov-corr). The PsN ‘frem’ routine provides a 90% confidence intervals around the covariate effects. This was used to evaluate its operational characteristics for a statistical backward elimination procedure, defined as ‘fremposthoc’ and to facilitate the comparison to ‘scm’. ‘Fremposthoc’ had a higher power to detect the true covariate with lower bias in small n studies compared to ‘scm’, applied with commonly used settings (forward p < 0.05, backward p < 0.01). This finding was vice versa in a statistically similar setting. For ‘fremposthoc’, power, precision and accuracy of the covariate coefficient increased with higher number of individuals and covariate effect magnitudes. Without a backward elimination step ‘frem’ models provided unbiased coefficients with highly imprecise coefficients in small n datasets. Yet, precision was superior to final ‘scm’ model precision obtained using common settings. We conclude that ‘fremposthoc’ is also a suitable method to guide covariate selection, although intended to serve as a full model approach. However, a deliberated selection of automated methods is essential for the modeller and using those methods in small datasets needs to be taken with caution.

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