
As the first superconducting RF photo-injector (SRF gun) in practical operation, the SRF gun has been successfully connected to the superconducting linac ELBE at Forschungzentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The injection with this new gun will improve the beam quality for the users of the radiation source. The SRF gun contains a 3½ cell superconducting accelerating cavity with a frequency of 1.3 GHz. The design is for use of normal conducting photocathodes. At present, caesium telluride photocathodes are applied which are illuminated by an ultraviolet laser beam. The kinetic energy of the produced electron beam is 3 MeV which belongs to a peak electric field of 16 MV/m in the cavity. The maximum bunch charge which is obtained and measured in a Faraday cup is about 400 pC (20 μA average current at a repetition rate of 50 kHz). The SRF gun injector is connected to the ELBE accelerator via a dogleg with two 45° deflection magnets. This connection beam line was commissioned in January 2010. A first beam injection into the ELBE accelerator has been carried out with a bunch charge of 120 pC (6 μA at 50 kHz). Detailed measurements showed that beam loss occurred in the dogleg above 60 pC due to the correlated energy spread. In order to find the optimal operation conditions, energy spread was measured in dependence of bunch charge, laser phase and further gun parameters. The Cs2Te photocathode shows an excellent life time. It is in the gun since May 2010 with about 300 h beam time and about 7 C extracted charge. In the present cavity, the limit for the acceleration gradient is field emission due to some defect on the cavity surface and problems during cleaning. Therefore a modified 3½ niobium cavity has been fabricated, which will increase the RF gradient in the gun and thus improve the beam parameters further.

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