
The conditions for realizing the single-quantum detection mode for silicon photomultiplier tubes with the p + –p–n + structure are studied and data on their characteristics in this mode are obtained. The structure of the experimental setup and the research technique are presented. Measurements of the counting characteristics of the photodetectors, such as the dependences of the counting rate of single-photon pulses, the speed of dark pulses, and the signal-to-noise ratio, have been performed. The dependences of the counting rate of one-photon pulses on the intensity of optical radiation recorded by a silicon photomultiplier tube are presented. It was found that these dependences had a linear section, the length of which increased with increasing overvoltage of silicon photomultiplier tubes. Also, with an increase in overvoltage, the angle of inclination of the linear section increased. The dependences of the count rate of one-photon and dark pulses, as well as the signal-to-noise ratio on overvoltage, are given. It was found that the counting rate of dark pulses increased with increasing overvoltage. It was found that the dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio on the overvoltage for these silicon photomultiplier tubes has a maximum. To obtain the maximum sensitivity of the studied silicon photomultiplier tubes, it is necessary to select the overvoltage corresponding to this maximum. As a result of comparing the sensitivity of the investigated silicon photomultiplier tubes and avalanche photodiodes, it was found that silicon photomultiplier tubes operating in the single-quantum detection mode have a higher sensitivity compared to avalanche photodiodes in the same operating mode. With a decrease in temperature, this superiority persisted. Also, a decrease in temperature led to a decrease in the minimum value of the intensity of the recorded optical radiation. Thus, the possibility of operation of silicon photomultiplier tubes in the single-quantum registration mode has been proved. These results can be applied in quantum cryptography systems when receiving an optical signal.


  • The dependences of the counting rate of one-photon pulses on the intensity of optical radiation recorded by a silicon photomultiplier tube are presented

  • It was found that these dependences had a linear section, the length of which increased with increasing overvoltage of silicon photomultiplier tubes

  • It was found that the counting rate of dark pulses increased with increasing overvoltage

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Изучены условия реализации режима одноквантовой регистрации для кремниевых фотоэлектронных умножителей со структурой p+–p–n+ и получены данные об их характеристиках в этом режиме. Представлены зависимости скорости счета однофотонных импульсов от интенсивности оптического излучения, регистрируемого кремниевым фотоэлектронным умножителем. Установлено, что данные зависимости имеют линейный участок, длина которого увеличивается с ростом перенапряжения кремниевых фотоэлектронных умножителей. Приведены зависимости скорости счета однофотонных и темновых импульсов, а также отношения сигнал/шум от перенапряжения. Установлено, что зависимость отношения сигнал/шум от перенапряжения для этих кремниевых фотоэлектронных умножителей имеет максимум. В результате сравнения чувствительности исследуемых кремниевых фотоэлектронных умножителей и лавинных фотодио­ дов установлено, что кремниевые фотоэлектронные умножители, работающие в режиме одноквантовой регистрации, имеют более высокую чувствительность по сравнению с лавинными фотодиодами в этом же режиме работы. Для цитирования: Работа кремниевых фотоэлектронных умножителей со структурой p+–p–n+ в режиме одноквантовой регистрации / М.

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