
The work is devoted to research on the improvement of thermal energy production technologies in gas-consuming heating boiler installations while improving their environmental performance and increasing the operation reliability. The work purpose is to study the heat and humidity modes of the air-supply ducts of boiler plants with exhaust gases recirculation systems into the blown air. The main objectives of the study are: to determine the thermal parameters of a heating boiler with a 2 MW heating capacity with a exhaust gases recirculation system mixed with blown air into its furnace space under conditions of using heat recovery technologies and without them; determination and analysis the heat and humidity parameters of this mixture in different operating modes of boiler plants. Known thermal calculation methods of boiler plants and data from our own experimental studies of heat transfer during deep cooling of boiler plant exhaust gases were used. The thermal calculation results of the heating boiler with a system for exhaust gas recirculation into its furnace space mixed with blown air are presented. The regularities of changes in the adiabatic combustion temperature and heat-humidity characteristics of the above mixture depending on the boiler heat load in different its operation modes during the heating period and the share of flue gas recirculation from 10 to 20 % were established. The research results show that the introduction of recirculation gases leads to a decrease by 150 – 250 °С of the adiabatic combustion temperature tad due to the need to consume fuel heat for heating the introduced ballast and the greater of the recirculation share s the lower the level of the indicated temperature. The research results also showed that gas recirculation causes insignificant (in the range of 0.5 – 4.7 °С) changes in the temperature of the boiler exhaust gases. Based on the data obtained, the change regularities in the heat-humidity characteristics (temperature and dew point) of the mixture of recirculated gases and air in different boiler operating modes during the heating period and under the studied recirculation shares were established. It is shown that recirculation causes condensate formation on the surfaces of air ducts in all operating modes of boiler and in some modes their icing is possible. To prevent these negative phenomena, it is necessary to apply measures to increase the temperature of the gas-air mixture by a value not less than Δtsum = 15 – 35 °С.

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