
On J u n e 9 th 1960 came into operat ion near Medieina (*) a mer idian t rans i t radiotelescope of the Cambridge type (~) working a t f requency of about at 327.4 MHz. The ins t rument , shown in Fig. 1, is cons t i tued by a parabol ic cyl inder mir ror l l 0 m long and 6.7 m wide, or iented along the E W direct ion and which can be ro ta t ed a round its axis so as to cover decl inat ions f rom 1 5 ° to + 9 0 ° . The surface of the cylinder is formed by 0.7 m m steel wires, spaced 3 cm and suppor ted by ten parabol ic sections. The wires are pul led at one side by springs; t i le tension of the wires and the mechanica l tolerances of the suppor t ing sections are such tha t the mirror never differs by more than 4 cm from the ideal surface. The suppor t ing sect ions and hence the mirror are made to ro ta t e s imul taneous ly by motors . On the focal l ine of the cylinder are p laced 112 full w a v e dipoles, arranged

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