
Abstract : In April 1994 a genocide took place in Rwanda that led to the death of more than 800,000 people. This study analyzes the French Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) in Rwanda, conducted in order to rescue European citizens, who were in extreme danger during the riots. While the French conducted their NEO, the German Armed Forces realized that they were unprepared to conduct an evacuation operation. To remedy this deficiency, the German Armed Forces developed their own NEO capability from 1994 to 1999. This study assesses the successful French Operation Amaryllis and develops 21 learned. Furthermore, the study reviews the German Armed Forces effort to develop a NEO capability and their NEOs in Albania in 1997 and in Eritrea in 1998. Finally, this study evaluates whether the German Armed Forces have learned their lessons from Operation Amaryllis.

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