
Operating Room Leadership and Perioperative Practice Management is a revised second-edition textbook, intended to be an up-to-date resource for all aspects of operating room management. This edition has 11 new chapters and there has been a substantial revision to the 27 chapters that were retained from the first edition. The book is organized into 5 sections: (1) leadership and strategy; (2) economic considerations, efficiency, and design; (3) surgical and anesthesia practice management; (4) nursing; and (5) safety, standards, and information technology. The contributors to the book are experts in their fields and the majority of the 71 authors are department chairs, medical center chief executive officers, executive directors, or directors of coding or compliance. One of the strengths of this book is the clarity of writing. Each chapter is approximately 10–15 pages in length. The chapters deconstruct complex topics, provide clear definitions for commonly used terms, and, most importantly, provide concrete anesthesia-specific examples. Figures and tables supplement almost every chapter and highlight key learning points. The section on leadership and strategy is perhaps one of the best-written sections of the book, as many of the principles commonly used in the business world are not familiar to many practicing anesthesiologists, yet the reader is given a sufficient primer to have a functional understanding of the relevant tenets. The chapter on The Joint Commission, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and other standards, in particular, is an excellent summary of the history of the modern health care system and the evolution of standards and accreditation over the past century. As the legislative landscape has changed significantly in a relatively short period of time, the authors provide a concise summary of key concepts affecting all anesthesiologists. Another strength of the book is the comprehensive discussion of all aspects of operating room management, from conception of operating room design to staffing and personnel relationships. The authors recognize that the operating room environment is complicated, with its own culture. Successful leaders must understand this complex environment and work collaboratively to effectively manage the operating room. While this overview works well for most chapters, some of the chapters do seem slightly superficial, in particular Chapters 5 (Implications of Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration for Operating Room Leadership and Management), 16 (Efficiency and Scheduling), and 27 (Operating Room Metrics). These chapters have a cursory discussion of 3 very complex topics, leave the reader wanting more information, and do not give the reader the necessary tools to act on the information presented. This might limit the usefulness of the book for someone without existing leadership experience. A further limitation is that the book is intended for use by a multidisciplinary audience, thus some of the information presented, particularly in the preoperative evaluation and management chapter, may seem basic to the established anesthesiologist. Finally, the title of Section 4, “Nursing,” is a bit misleading. While all 3 chapters in this section have nursing implications, the section delves into broader topics, such as staffing and throughput, which are relevant to a broader audience. Ultimately, successful operating room management involves not only administrative efficiency but also knowledge of the legislative landscape and development of high-performing teams who deliver patient care. This book is an excellent primer for physician anesthesiologists who would like to ascend to perioperative leadership roles. While the contents of this book are likely to be a review for experts or established leaders, it is useful for resident trainees, those stepping into leadership positions, or even anesthesiologists who are not in leadership but who would like to better understand the mechanics of operating room management. Nicole Higgins, MDDepartment of AnesthesiologyNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicago, IllinoisPaloma Toledo, MD, MPHDepartment of AnesthesiologyNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicago, IllinoisCenter for Healthcare StudiesNorthwestern University Feinberg School of MedicineChicago, Illinois[email protected]

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