
Introduction Part I Terms and Topics 1. Origins of Opera The ultimate Baroque expression Baroque Characteristics The Florentine Camerata: Opera's First Theorists From Polyphony to Monody: Solo Song Monody as Recitative Opera's forerunners The Intermedio Learned Comedy (Commedia erudite) Italian Folk Comedy (Commedia dell'arte) Pastoral Drama Church pageants (Sacre Rappresentazioni) Sidebar: Claudio Monteverdi Summary Terminology Aria Strophic Through-composed Da capo Dal segno Cavatina Cantabile Cabaletta Recitative The rhythm of language Dry (secco) Accompanied (accompagnato) Simple Mesuree Ensembles Duets and trios Quartets and larger ensembles Scena Multipartite finales Vocal ranges (with sample roles) Musical Scores and Editions Autographs/holographs Full orchestral Piano-vocal Individual selections Scholarly editions Performing editions Summary 2. Music and Text Relationships The libretto Poetry and musical structures Compositional strategies Subjects, themes, and musical expression Summary 3. Opera in Theaters Patronage Public Theaters Economics of opera Historic Houses Summary 4. History of Opera on Media Recordings Opera on musical boxes The earliest recordings Opera on LPs and CDs Operas on video and DVD Film versions Summary 5. Professions Composers Librettists Singers The Impresario Conductors and Directors Musicians and Dancers Critics Summary 6. Opera as a Mirror of Culture and Society Cultural Expression Opera as class symbol Operatic seasons and society Censorship Opera and religion Gender politics Nationalism The Role of the Audience Summary PART II Genres and Styles 7. Serious Opera Opera seria Tragedie lyrique Opera comique Music drama and Gesamptkunstwerk Summary 8. Comic Opera Opera buffa Farsa Intermezzo Dramma giocoso Opera comique Opera bouffe Summary 9. Semi-serious Opera Opera semiseria Operetta Summary 10. Vernacular Opera Singspiel Zarzuela Semi-opera Ballad opera Summary

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