
AbstractThe ocean world is full of Unknown Marine Objects (UMOs), making it difficult to deal with unknown ocean targets using the traditional instance segmentation model. This is because the traditional instance segmentation networks are trained on a closed dataset, assuming that all detected objects are Known Marine Objects (KMOs). Consequently, traditional closed-set networks often misclassify UMOs as KMOs. To address this problem, this paper proposes a new open-set instance segmentation model for object instance segmentation in marine environments with UMOs. Specifically, we integrate two learning modules in the model, namely a prototype module and an unknown learning module. Through the learnable prototype, the prototype module improves the class’s compactness and boundary detection capabilities while also increasing the classification accuracy. Through the uncertainty of low probability samples, the unknown learning module forecasts the unknown probability. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed method has competitive known class recognition accuracy compared to existing instance segmentation models, and can accurately distinguish unknown targets.

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