
A Satria1* 1 Rector of IPB University, Jl. Raya Dramaga, Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor, 16680 West Java, Indonesia *Email: arifsatria@apps.ipb.ac.idWelcome to Bogor IndonesiaWelcome to IPB UniversityIt is my great pleasure and honour to great you all at the Opening Ceremony of Southeast Asia Plant Protection Conference (SEAPPRO) organized by Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture IPB University, in colaboration with The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS) chapter of Indonesia and Universiti Putra Malaysia.Currently we are facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This stage has started in the beginning of the 21th century, characterized by the development of artificial intelligence (AI), robotic development, information technology and management system, bio-technology, big data and Internet of Things (IoT). These developments resulted in disruptions of industries in many countries, while promising transformations in production and governance systems. The existence of 4.0 technology is expected to improve on-farm and off-farm activities and management as well as to solve problems on many social and economic aspects in agricultural practices.Plants provide 80% of global calorie human intake, but it is continuously affected and threatened by pests and diseases. According to FAO, approximately one-third of global crop production is lost every year to plant pest and diseases. Beside causing yield losses, pest and diseases cause farmers worldwide spending USD 81.13 billion for pesticides as well as receiving its negative impacts to environment. In the last decades increasing records of emerging and transboundary pests spread to a number of countries and can reach epidemic proportions in which control and management require international or regional collaboration among countries.

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