
Tracheostomy in COVID-19 is a debatable topic, with guidelines and recommendations evolving with every wave. Tracheostomy can help early weaning and potentially increase the availability of ICU beds. The aim of our study was to determine the outcomes of patients undergoing tracheostomy at different timings.This was an ambispective observational descriptive longitudinal study of patients confirmed to have COVID-19 by real- time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) admitted in the ICU and needed intubation for mechanical ventilation and underwent tracheostomy at a tertiary referral centre. This study was over a period of two months from May to June 2021.A total of 169 patients were admitted to the ICU for COVID-19 from May to June 2021 out of which 27 patients underwent open surgical tracheostomy. Study included almostequal number of male and female patients. The most frequent comorbidities were hypertensionand diabetes. The majority of patients were between 5th and 7th decades of life (59.2%; 16 patients). The common indications for tracheostomy were acute respiratory distress syndrome, failure to wean from ventilation, sedation management, difficult airway,and persistent airway oedema. Fivepatients (18.5%) underwent tracheostomy on day 8,the maximum number on a single day. Theearliest tracheostomywas done on day 3 and the latest on day 17 with variable results. There were 6 survivors out of 27, youngest being a27-year-old female and oldest a60-year-old male.Our study showed that there was no association of age, sex of the patients and presence of comorbid conditions with the timing of intubation. Clinical outcome of the patients also was not affected by the any of the socio clinical variables viz. age, sex of the patient, presence of comorbid conditions and timing of intubation. Tracheostomy in COVID-19 is an aerosol generating procedure; strict recommendations and guidelines need to be followed.

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