
Having already discussed MatConvNet and Keras, let us continue with an open source framework for deep learning, which takes a new and interesting approach. TensorFlow.js is not only providing deep learning for JavaScript developers, but it's also making applications of deep learning available in the WebGL enabled web browsers, or more specifically, Chrome, Chromium-based browsers, Safari and Firefox. Recently node.js support has been added, so TensorFlow.js can be used to directly control TensorFlow without the browser. TensorFlow.js is easy to install. As soon as a browser is installed one is ready to go. Browser based, cross platform applications, e.g. running with Electron, can also make use of TensorFlow.js without an additional install. The performance, however, depends on the browser the client is running, and memory and GPU on the client device. More specifically, one cannot expect to analyze 4K videos on a mobile phone in real time. While it's easy to install, and it's easy to develop based on TensorFlow.js, there are drawbacks: (i) developers have less control over where the machine learning actually takes place (e.g. on CPU or GPU), that it is running in the same sandbox as all web pages in the browser do, and (ii) that in the current release it still has rough edges and is not considered stable enough to use in production.

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