
The Open Science Framework (OSF) has the mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility in research. The Journal of Neurochemistry became a signatory of their Transparency and Openness guidelines in 2016, which provides eight modular standards (Citation standards, Data Transparency, Analytic Methods/Code Transparency, Research Materials Transparency, Design and Analysis Transparency, Study Pre-registration, Analysis Plan Transparency, Replication) with increasing levels of stringency. Furthermore, OSF recommends and offers a collection of practices intended to make scientific processes and results more transparent and available in a standardized way for reuse to people outside the research team. It includes making research materials, data, and laboratory procedures freely accessible online to anyone. This editorial announces the decision of the Journal of Neurochemistry to introduce Open Science Badges, maintained by the Open Science Badges Committee and by the Center for Open Science (COS). The Open Science Badges, visual icons placed on publications, certify that an open practice was followed and signal to readers that an author has shared the corresponding research evidence, thus, allowing an independent researcher to understand how to reproduce the procedure.

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