
Vulnerabilities in open source packages can be a security risk for the downstream client projects. When a new vulnerability is discovered, a package should quickly release a fix in a new version, referred to as a <i>security release</i> in this study. The security release should be well-documented and require minimal migration effort to facilitate fast adoption by the clients. However, to what extent the open source packages follow these recommendations is not known. In this paper, we study (1) the time lag between fix and release; (2) how security fixes are documented in the release notes; (3) code change characteristics (size and semantic versioning) of the release; and (4) the time lag between the release and an advisory publication for security releases over a dataset of 4,377 security advisories across seven package ecosystems. We find that the median security release becomes available within 4 days of the corresponding fix and contains 131 lines of code (LOC) change. However, one-fourth of the releases in our data set still came at least 20 days after the fix was made. Further, we find that 61.5&#x0025; of the security releases come with a release note that documents the corresponding security fix. Still, Snyk and NVD, two popular databases, take a median of 17 days (from the release) to publish a security advisory, possibly resulting in delayed notifications to the client projects. We also find that security releases may contain breaking change(s) as 13.2&#x0025; indicated backward incompatibility through semantic versioning, while 6.4&#x0025; mentioned breaking change(s) in the release notes. Based on our findings, we point out areas for future work, such as private fork for security fixes and standardized practice for announcing security releases.

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