
Semantic applications typically exploit structures such as dependency parse trees, phrase-chunking, semantic role labeling or open information extraction. In this paper, we introduce a novel application of Open IE as an intermediate layer for text summarization. Text summarization is an important method for providing relevant information in large digital libraries. Open IE is referred to the process of extracting machine-understandable structural propositions from text. We use these propositions as a building block to shorten the sentence and generate a summary of the text. The proposed system offers a new form of summarization that is able to break the structure of the sentence and extract the most significant sub-sentential elements. Other advantages include the ability to identify and eliminate less important sections of the sentence (such as adverbs, adjectives, appositions or dependent clauses), or duplicate pieces of sentences which in turn opens up the space for entering more sentences in the summary to enhance the coverage and coherency of it. The proposed system is localized for Persian language; however, it can be adopted to other languages. Experiments performed on a standard data set “Pasokh” with a standard comparison tool showed promising results for the proposed approach. We used summaries produced by the system in a real-world application in the virtual library of Shahid Beheshti University and received good feedbacks from users.

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