
Arising with a higher frequency economic crises over the last decades coupled with thedeteriorating situation in the public finances have not always been caused by wrongdecisions taken by the public authorities or their mismanagement. The crises of confidence in financial institutions in numerous countries combined with crises of confidence in the state spur to look for new solutions in the public institutions managementand their relationship with the national and international environment. The concept ofopen government (OGP) fits into this trend. It is, in a sense, a new, although for somecountries only a modernized way of organizing activities and institutions in a state thatuses digital technology and communication tools in order to increase the participationof citizens in governance at all levels and decision-making. In addition, it is assumedthat the knowledge and involvement of citizens can be used to effectively solve problemsboth at central and local levels. In the article the author tries to explicitly point out thatwhile the Open Government Partnership initiative should be assessed positively, it cannotbe regarded as a panacea for contemporary problems in management of the state andcommunication with the public. The mere membership does not guarantee to streamlinethe procedures, mechanisms, institutions and society involvement in public life. Thesespecific actions aimed at increasing transparency, efficiency and cooperation as well asparticipation of citizens are an indicator of change. And these can be undertaken withinthe framework of the Partnership, as well as outside of it.


  • Arising with a higher frequency economic crises over the last decades coupled with the deteriorating situation in the public finances have not always been caused by wrong decisions taken by the public authorities or their mismanagement

  • The Open Government Partnership – OGP – is a voluntary global initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance and improve their effectiveness. In pursuit of these goals, OGP provides an international platform for dialogue and sharing among governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector, all of which contribute to a common pursuit of open government

  • Governments are expected to contribute to the advancement of an open government in other countries by sharing of best practices, expertise, technical assistance, technologies and resources, as appropriate using the various peer exchange and knowledge sharing mechanisms made available by OGP10

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Partnerstwo Otwartego Rządu jako nowa inicjatywa międzyrządowa

Streszczenie Pojawiające się z coraz większą częstotliwością w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach kryzysy gospodarcze połączone z pogarszającą się sytuacją w sferze finansów publicznych nie nr 1(5)2015. The Open Government Partnership – OGP – is a voluntary global initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance and improve their effectiveness In pursuit of these goals, OGP provides an international platform for dialogue and sharing among governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector, all of which contribute to a common pursuit of open government. The Self-Assessment Report should provide an honest evaluation of the government performance in implementing its OGP commitments, based on the timelines and benchmarks included in the country’s OGP action plan. Governments are expected to contribute to the advancement of an open government in other countries by sharing of best practices, expertise, technical assistance, technologies and resources, as appropriate using the various peer exchange and knowledge sharing mechanisms made available by OGP10

Membership and organizational structure
Reporting Mechanism
Early results and strategic objectives
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