
ABSTRACT The Internet and its innovative communicative codes stand at the center of a discussion regarding a new, more participatory, direct, and “strong” democracy. The widespread use of the Internet and its applications has profound implications on several facets of political life, such as the procedure of rulemaking. In modern, “large-scale” democracies, the complexity and plurality of political interests seem to be under-represented in official parliamentary procedures. The model of open governance enables citizens to contribute toward how decisions are taken and accordingly democratize rulemaking. At the same time, it increases citizens' ability to exercise control over the elected political representatives. One recent implementation of the idea of an open (e-)government in Greece is the Web site http://www.opengov.gr that was launched by the newly elected government of the Socialist party (PASOK) in October 2009. In this Web site, draft laws per ministry are uploaded, and citizens can upload their comments on every article, expressing their opinion or their disagreement. This online deliberative procedure provides a forum for constructive civic engagement on rulemaking and, moreover, given that the comments are incorporated into the final legal document, gives citizens the chance to affect policy-making to a certain degree. The Web site also provides the opportunity to watch videos of cabinet councils as a fulfillment of transparency in political procedures. This article examines how the premise of open governance is being implemented by the e-rulemaking process on the specific Web site, and assesses its impact on legislation and policy-making issues.

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