
The NATO Secure voice strategy identifies the Secure Communication Interoperability Protocol (SCIP) as the upcoming standard for secure voice communication within the NATO community. In support of the Secure Voice Strategy NC3A has been mandated to establish a NATO SCIP Validation Facility (NSVF) to enable conformance, interoperability and key management testing for NATO Nations. SCIP will enable multi vendor solutions for secure voice terminals, operating over heterogeneous networks, by using open standards. To tackle interoperability issues in secure voice communications for expeditionary operations, NC3A has developed a Secure Voice Platform using an open source voice switch. For enabling SCIP gateway functionality between circuit and packet switched networks a V. 150.1 protocol stack as been added to the Secure Voice Platform. Due to its open design and flexibility the Secure Voice Platform is a very valuable resource in the conformance and interoperability tests for the integration of SCIP devices in NATO and national networks. This article summarizes the NATO Secure Voice Strategy and the concept of the NATO SCIP Validation Facility. Focus is on the integration of the V.150.1 protocol stack in the Secure Voice Platform. Issues arisen during the integration process are addressed as well as those discovered and solved to address interoperability aspects. SCIP, NATO Secure Voice Strategy, NATO SCIP Validation Facility, NC3A, Secure Voice Platform, Modem over IP, MoIP, V.150.1

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