
The paper includes the definition of open education and its multiple means that allowed a large segment of society and teachers to join the ranks of higher education, and this university was gigantic and absorbed large numbers of students who graduated from multiple faculties. Multiple, and it is more popular as it helps to study in the student’s own time and in his own way and the place he determines, it breaks down the barriers of age, takes place without face-to-face meetings between the learner and the teacher, makes the student free to choose what to learn, when to learn and how to learn, open education is education without borders, Independent education, and home education, as well as education without walls, Self-education and multimedia education. There are many justifications for open education, such as the remoteness of geographical areas from the locations of universities and political problems in many countries and that women are no longer confined to the home and others. The method used: a historical and descriptive analytical method and a case study. Objectives: Providing educational opportunities for every citizen with a belief in the value of continuity of learning, providing freedom of study for the learner by liberating him from restrictions, providing professional growth for workers in work sites, providing new educational methods and media, providing opportunities for scientific, research and educational cooperation between educational institutions in the Arab world, preparing and developing Cadres in different areas of life according to the needs of society Case study: office theory and applied field Results: The researchers concluded that open education led to the education of a large segment of society who missed the education train and facilitated many ways of educational means for them, and that the book is the mainstay of open education, despite the existence of other means, but it has become inconsistent with development and other technologies

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