
Interest in open access (OA) to scientific publications is steadily increasing, both in Norway and internationally. From the outset, FORMakademisk has been published as a digital journal, and it was one of the first to offer OA in Norway. We have since the beginning used Open Journal Systems (OJS) as publishing software. OJS is part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), which was created by Canadian John Willinsky and colleagues at the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia in 1998. The first version of OJS came as an open source software in 2001. The programme is free for everyone to use and is part of a larger collective movement wherein knowledge is shared. When FORMakademisk started in 2008, we received much help from the journal Acta Didactic (n.d.) at the University of Oslo, which had started the year before us. They had also translated the programme to Norwegian. From the start, we were able to publish in both Norwegian and English. Other journals have used FORMakademisk as a model and source of inspiration when starting or when converting from subscription-based print journals to electronic OA, including the Journal of Norwegian Media Researchers [Norsk medietidsskrift]. It is in this way that the movement around PKP works and continues to grow to provide free access to research. As the articles are OA, they are also easily accessible to non-scientists. We also emphasise that the language should be readily available, although it should maintain a high scientific quality. Often there may be two sides of the same coin. We on the editorial team are now looking forward to adopting the newly developed OJS 3 this spring, with many new features and an improved design for users, including authors, peer reviewers, editors and readers.


  • Interessen for åpen tilgang – open access – til vitenskapelig publisering er stadig økende, både i Norge og internasjonalt

  • Andre tidsskrift har brukt FORMakademisk som modell og inspirasjonskilde når de har startet opp sine tidsskrift – eller konvertert fra abonnementsbasert trykket tidsskrift til elektronisk open access, blant annet tidsskriftet til Norsk Medieforskerlag

  • Leder å vedlikeholde NSDs (Norsk senter for forskningsdata, u.å) register over gode publiseringskanaler, bedre funksjonalitet rettet mot åpen tilgang i forskningsinformasjonssystemet CRIStin (u.å) og informasjonstiltak i institusjonene for å støtte forskerne

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Interessen for åpen tilgang – open access – til vitenskapelig publisering er stadig økende, både i Norge og internasjonalt. FORMakademisk har helt fra starten blitt publisert som et digitalt vitenskapelig tidsskrift og var et av de første med open access i Norge. Det ene var et nasjonalt utvalg, kalt Brekke-utvalget etter utvalgets leder Torkel Brekke fra Universitetet i Oslo, som skulle finne felles standarder for åpen publisering i Norge.

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