
Introduction:Since 2014 patient group representatives have been able to observe Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) committee meetings as members of the public. However, they have had no opportunity to participate in discussions on their submission on the patient experience of living with the condition under review. In 2017, to strengthen patient engagement, we revised our processes to enable representatives from all submitting patient groups to play a bigger part in the monthly meeting.Methods:The SMC Public Involvement Network (PIN) Advisory Group consulted on potential issues around patient group participation in committee meetings. Recommendations approved for implementation included (i) provision of comprehensive information and support to participating patient group representatives, and (ii) holding an educational session for SMC members on ‘What matters to the patient’. The process change was introduced in June 2017. Patient group representatives are invited to complete an online survey on their experience of taking part in the meeting and working with the public involvement team. Implementation is being monitored and will be evaluated in a commitment to continuous improvement.Results:Since June 2017, 14 patient group representatives have attended SMC meetings for the discussion of their submission. This has enabled them to answer questions from committee members and clarify points relating to their submission, if required. Early feedback has been positive with participants believing that patient engagement has been strengthened and that the patient voice was heard and valued. Patient groups expressed a willingness to participate again. The evaluation of their experience to date will be presented.Conclusions:SMC now involves patient group participation at committee meetings, demonstrating commitment to listening and responding to stakeholders on patient engagement. Early feedback has been positive and suggests that discussions relating to quality of life impact on patients and carers better reflect the lived experience. This ensures we are meeting our commitment to openness and transparency and strengthens patient engagement in our process.

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