
Aim: Progression detail of the development of YODELS (Yorkshire Organ Donation End of Life Simulation) course from a single site, single discipline faculty to a multi-centre, multi-disciplinary faculty. Objectives: The development of a faculty across multiple trusts The introduction of a multi–disciplinary faculty To improve the equity of delegate attendance from other trusts outside CHFT To improve best practice adherence when facilitating End of Life/Organ Donation discussions within the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units with Yorkshire and Humber Continued use of specialised and dedicated actors in the role of family members Summary of work undertaken: Ensuring that families receive optimum communication at a time when they are at their most vulnerable is imperative. YODELS inception began five years ago in collaboration with NHS Blood and Transplant. It developed into a course delivered bi-annually to CHFT employees, funded by the local Organ Donation Committee. In recent years it became apparent that this high evaluating course could indeed serve a wider audience, a change in leadership resulted in a broader faculty line up and incorporating a multidisciplinary ownership. The next step saw the faculty inviting members to join them from other local trusts, this enabled greater practice sharing and broader knowledge/experience base. The next step saw non CHFT candidates attending YODELS for the first time. This variance increased practice sharing further and ensured that ‘best practice’ messages were being delivered to a much wider audience than just one trust. The course outline, structure and evaluation are under constant review, with simplified course documents developed to provide a greater ability for course portability. It was felt that inviting external candidates from across the region could in future cause issues with funding, travel, time away from clinical areas etc, therefore the base unit remained at Huddersfield Royal. However, as we look to the future of this course, it is now planned that future cohorts will be run externally, BTHFT, Mid-Yorkshire have committed, and we are currently in early discussion with Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust. The Yorkshire Organ Donation Services Team provide services to a population of 6.2 million. Geographically, the team cover North, South, and West Yorkshire, East Riding, Lincolnshire, North Nottingham, and Derbyshire. Within this geographical area, the team provides a service for 16 NHS trusts.1 The ever-changing staff base within these trusts depicts a future ongoing education requirement which YODELS can positively influence. Impact on practice: By providing multidisciplinary simulation-based education, candidates gain insight into the difficulties each speciality experience during end of life management, decisions and subsequent communication exchanges. Organ donation conversations are uncommon even in the busiest of trusts therefore enabling practice/trial of communication techniques within a safe environment is invaluable. Evaluations of the course frequently report a greater mutual understanding of their colleagues’ roles within the clinical setting which is believed to improved inter speciality communication. YODELS promotes all areas of best practice2 3 surrounding organ donation, from the point of a patient being identified, right through to family consenting to their loved one’s donation. References NHS Blood and Transplant. (2019). We stand for Life. We stand for Hope. Available at: https://www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/Accessed: 11 June 2019. Department of Health. (2019). Taking Organ Transplantation to 2020: A UK strategy. Available at: https://nhsbtdbe.blob.core.windows.net/umbraco-assets-corp/4241/nhsbt_organ_donor_strategy_summary.pdf Accessed: 11 June 2019. NICE. (2016). Organ donation for transplantation: improving donor identification and consent rates for deceased organ donation. Available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/CG135 Accessed: 11 June 2019.

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