
1. The oogonia, as they arise from the germinal epithelium, are about 10 microns in diameter. 2. A growth period follows the oogonial division. 3. The diploid number of chromosomes is 12. 4. In the prophase stages no synapsis has been observed. 5. Secondary nucleoli develop in the oocyte and disappear before polocyte formation. 6. But one polocyte is formed. This takes place while the egg cell is still attached to the ovarian wall. 7. there is no reduction in chromosome number in the polocyte formation. 8. After extrusion of the polar body, the egg passes into the oviduct where the first cleavage is completed. 9. Many abortive ova are found in some individuals, particularly in late summer months. 10. All the evidences, herein presented, support the view thatCampeloma rufum reproduces normally by a diploid parthenogenesis.

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