
Abstract By the elementary usage in every day life, Prejeudice is a multidimensional phenomena which is influenced by evolutional, ontogenetical, historical, economic, sociopolitic fields. Because of the biopyschosocial features of Human being, Prejudice emerges in many situations. There for, we can be under the influence of prejudice when we make decision and make our choises. From the psychological point of view, identity development process has an important role at the forming of prejudice. Both core individual identity and large group identity development processes contribute to the evolving of benign or malign prejudice. In addition prejudice has an adaptive function at the preserving both of individual and large group identity permanent. In the case of developing negative prejudice toward strangers and of xenophobia, large group dynamics have an important role. In this paper psychoanalytic and psychodynamic roots of prejedice had been more focused over the social and cognitive roots of prejudice had been and emphasised importance of psychoanalytic theories at the prevention of malign and rigid prejudice. Key words: prejudice, steriotype, xenophobia, , identity , Large Group Identity

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