
The article attempts to analyze new trends in work with gifted youth as a new form of systemic, organizational and scientifically oriented independent activity of a motivated schoolchild or student. This activity, firstly, is aimed at satisfying the cognitive, intellectual, as well as other needs of the student and the effective development of their creative potential; secondly, it is associated with the consistent solution of research problems with not foreknown results, increasing novelty, relevance and complexity; thirdly, it is supported by a specially organized unified developing scientific and educational environment within the framework of its educational organization, region, industry, country; and finally, it involves a scientifically based unified assessment of both the developing effect and the scientific significance of the current results of this activity . The article discusses the basic concepts characterizing this activity and illustrating their examples and mathematical models. These include the author's structuring of the functions and levels of research activity, a multifaceted system of criteria for evaluating the scientific and developmental results of research work performed by young researchers, a functional profile, a functional rating and a professional functional rating of a young researcher, calculated based on the assessment results of their research work. For the first time, a mathematical model for the formation of acceptable options for research activities is proposed, which allows forming the optimal developing methodological structure of planned research. One of the unique points of the proposed approach is the widespread use of ordinal rating scales with the transformation of the results of their application into quantitative estimates based on the method of confident judgments of decision makers. The introduced concepts are formed into a graphical scheme of the ontology of guided development of scientific abilities of young people.

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