
Ontology matching is an important process for integration of heterogeneous data sources. A large number of different matchers for comparing ontologies exist. They can be classified into element-level and structure-level matchers. The element-level matchers compare entities ignoring their relations with other entities, while the structure-level matchers consider these relations. The TF/IDF (term frequency / inverse document frequency) measure is useful for specifying key terms weights in documents. In our matching system we use the TF/IDF measure for comparing documents that store data about ontology entities. However, the TF/IDF does not take synonyms into account, and it may occur that the terms that describe two entities the best are synonyms. In this paper we propose a matcher that combines the TF/IDF measure with synonym recognition when determining key term weights, in order to improve the results of ontology matching. Evaluation of the matcher is performed on case study examples.

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