
Information retrieval system is taking an important role in current search engine which performs searching operation based on keywords which results in enormous amount of data available to the user, from which user cannot figure out the essential and most important information. This limitation may be overcome by a new web architecture known as semantic web which overcome the limitation of keyword based search technique called conceptual or semantic search technique. Natural language processing technique is mostly implemented in QA system for asking user's question and several steps are also followed for conversion of questions to query form for getting an exact answer. In conceptual search, search engine interprets the meaning of user's query and the relation among the concepts that documents contains with respect to a particular domain that produces specific answers instead of giving list of answers. In this paper, we proposed ontology based semantic information retrieval system and Jena semantic web framework in which, user enters an input query which is parsed by Standford Parser then triplet extraction algorithm is used. To all input query, SPARQL query is formed and then it is fired on the knowledge base (Ontology) that finds appropriate RDF triples in knowledge base and retrieve the relevant information using Jena framework.

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