
The phenomenon of Group of Russian poets and fiction writers of the early XXth century, merged by literary critics under the title «new-peasant poets », is seemingly enough researched. However, when there is a serious knowledge of the creative heritage of the two most famous new-peasant poets – Sergei Yesenin and Nikolai Klyuev – heritage (especially prose) of the third significant poet of this circle, Sergei Klychkov, is still poorly studied. The focus of this article is the first part of a trilogy («Sugar German», «Chertuhinskij Balakir» and «Prince of Peace»), roman of S.A. Klytchkov «Sugar German», where most unpopular for this theme post-revolutionary years author undertakes to explore the issue of Holiness. For artistic research of the topic Klytchkov uses not only all the accumulated before him «resources» of the classical Russian literature (primarily heritage of N.S. Leskov), but also his own front-line experience and experience of Russian sectarianism (old believers of different leanings and concerts), a peculiar fad that is going through all Russian intellectuals in the pre-war and prerevolutionary years (correspondence with N.A. Kljuev, block shape of Grigory Rasputin, «Walking to Castle Kitezh» by S.A. Klytchkov himself, etc.). The task of author of this article is to find and describe the exceptional artistic means («double effect» and «double-lighting»), which the writer uses to achieve the necessary objectivity in narration. The article uses characteristics of prose made by writer's contemporaries (A.M.Gorky, A.K. Voronski, P.A. Zhurov), studies of creativity of S.A. Klychkov that became classic now (N.M. Solncev, M. Nikjo), theoretical works on the Russian and world literature and art of M.M. Bakhtin, V. Kozhinov, Ortega Y Gasset, and T. Mann, as well as works on the theory of literature of 2001–2019 years by S.A. Nebolsin, V.V. Fedorov, I.A. Esaulov.

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