
Chapter 1 Gobies (Family Gobiidae) have a complex mechanosensory lateral line system composed of reduced cranial and trunk canals and a proliferation of small superficial neuromasts, perched on the tips of “sensory papillae”, which occur in several linear series on the head, trunk and tail. Elacatinus lori is being used as a model species for larval orientation and dispersal and the ability to rear it in the lab has allowed the use of a suite of morphological methods to provide the first description of the post-embryonic development of the lateral line system from hatch through settlement and to adulthood for any goby species. The distribution of canal neuromasts (CNs) and superficial neuromasts (SNs) was described in adult E. lori using fluorescent imaging, revealing six cranial superficial neuromast series composed of 33 lines of neuromasts, reduced cranial lateral line canals (only the supraorbital, postotic, and preopercular canals are present), 31 lines on the trunk and three lines on the caudal fin. The total number of SNs on the head increases linearly through the larval period to settlement (at 35 dph) while all CNs are present on the surface of the skin by about 15 dph before becoming enclosed in canals. Both CNs and SNs are diamond-shaped at hatch, which along with the proliferation of neuromasts within lines may have interesting implications for the sensitivity and functional role of these neuromasts, especially during the larval period. This study also compares the adult lateral line morphology of E. lori to congeners and representatives of the sister genus, Tigrigobius. We found that among Elacatinus and Tigrigobius species there are significant correlations between SN number and microhabitat, which indicates small-scale environmental factors, like a sponge-dwelling habit versus a coral-dwelling habit, can have significant impacts on lateral line system morphology. Chapter 2 For many years, researchers have been trying to determine how pelagic larvae navigate the water column and find settlement sites, but this still remains unclear. Elacatinus lori, an obligate sponge-dwelling goby native to Belizean reefs, is a model species for larval coral reef fish navigation and dispersal. This study looks at the ontogeny of the visual system (opsin gene expression and eye size and structure) using both morphological and genomic analyses to infer larval sensory capabilities that are likely to play a role in larval orientation and settlement site selection. Results showed that the morphology of the eye and retina in E. lori is


  • The visual environment is radically different between the water column in which pelagic larvae live and the waters in complex coral reef habitats in which post-settlement juvenile fishes live (Marshall et al, 2003; reviewed in Leis et al, 2011)

  • This study aims to answer three questions: 1) What is the adult morphology of the lateral line system in E. lori? 2) How does the complex proliferation of superficial neuromast lines develop during the larval stage and through transition to the juvenile stage? 3) What is the evidence for morphological correlates of complex neuromast patterns with microhabitat among Elacatinus and Tigrigobius species?

  • The cranial lateral line system of Elacatinus lori is characterized by a reduction of canals (Webb, 2014b) and a proliferation of superficial neuromasts (SNs), which is typical of most gobies (Figure 1.7)

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The visual environment is radically different between the water column in which pelagic larvae live and the waters in complex coral reef habitats in which post-settlement juvenile fishes live (Marshall et al, 2003; reviewed in Leis et al, 2011). Carleton et al (2016) found ontogenetic shifts in single-cone sensitivity from UV to violet to blue in cichlid fishes and suggest that these changes may be correlated with changes in prey type consumed by larvae versus juveniles. The retina is a multilayered structure composed of neurons and receptor cells (rods and cones), which are responsible for transduction of light cues. The fish retina is composed of seven layers: amacrine cell, bipolar cell, ganglion cell, inner plexiform, outer plexiform, photoreceptor (rods, cones), and the pigmented epithelium, which sits at the back of the retina. The photoreceptive layer is composed of rod and cone cells, which are specialized cells that respond to certain wavelengths of light. The inner plexiform is a dense, mesh-like network of neuronal fibers that interconnect the ganglion cells and the amacrine and bipolar cells (Ali & Anctil, 2012). All of the layers of the retina are important in the overall light sensing function of the retina

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