
The ontogeny of substance P, CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide), and VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) containing nerve fibers in the carotid labyrinth of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was examined by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. The time of appearance of these three peptides was different for each. First, CGRP fibers appeared in the wall of the carotid arch and external carotid arteries, and in a thin septum between these two arteries at an early stage of larval development (stage III). At stage V, substance P immunoreactive fibers appeared, and VIP fibers were detected at the early metamorphic stage (stage XXII). Up to the completion of metamorphosis, the number of these fibers remained low. From 1 to 5 weeks after metamorphosis, substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers increased in number to varying degrees. By 8 weeks after metamorphosis, the distribution and abundance of these fibers closely resembled those of the adults. Some CGRP and VIP immunoreactive glomus cells were found at the stages immediately before and after the completion of metamorphosis. These findings suggest that substance P, CGRP, and VIP fibers during larval development and metamorphosis may be nonfunctional, and start to participate in vascular regulation only after metamorphosis. The transient CGRP and VIP in some glomus cells may be important for the development of the labyrinth, or may take part in vascular regulation through the close apposition of the glomus and smooth muscle cells (g-s connection).

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