
We have traced the development from birth to puberty of the ir-LHRH producing centers, the nucleus olfactoretinalis (NOR), nucleus praeopticus periventricularis (NPP) and nucleus lateralis tuberis pars posterior (NLT), in male sibling platyfish genetically determined by differing P alleles to mature at two different ages. In sexually immature fish of both genotypes ir-LHRH is first localized in the NOR in perikarya and neuronal fibers and in the NPP where it is limited to the fibers. At the onset of puberty in early maturing fish (11 weeks), ir-LHRH accumulates in perikarya and fibers of the NPP and NLT. Late maturing siblings first have ir-perikarya in the NPP and a few ir-fibers in the NLT at the same developmental stage but at a later age (25-26 weeks). Ir-perikarya are still not seen in the NLT in late-maturing fish even when maturation is complete. This pattern of a sequential development of the three ir-LHRH containing areas of the brain, which we refer to as a "cascade effect", is similar in early and late genotypes. It is directly correlated to stage of development and not to chronological age. It is clear that the appearance of LHRH producing brain centers precedes, and is presumably essential for, the completion of the development of pituitary gonadotrops and the subsequent maturation of the gonads. The functional significance of the NOR in puberty and reproduction and as a possible site of action for the P gene is discussed.

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