
The present experiments clarify sexual and social relationship factors related to the development of defensive burying behavior in rats. Rats were raised in isolation, or in a variety of pairs differing in sex, age or familiarity during the juvenile and post-juvenile period. In Experiment 1, decreased burying behavior was found in both male and female rats during the juvenile stage when they were reared in isolation, or with an adult female, or for males reared with a same-age female. In Experiment 2, female rats isolated during the juvenile stage who were reared after the juvenile stage with a same-sex, non-isolated rat, showed as much burying behavior as rats reared with a littermate; this was not found for male rats. When both male and female rats isolated during the juvenile stage were reared with each other after isolation, they maintained reduced burying behavior in adulthood. These sex differences in the effect of different social groupings are likely due to the differences in social relationships during the juvenile and after puberty, when social dominance relationships emerge in male rats. In Experiment 3, the effects of social dominance relationships on burying behavior were investigated in male rats. Subordination increased the freezing tendency as a passive defense, while social tension accompanied with rearing with an adult male produced decreased burying behavior as a proactive defense. These findings suggest that affiliative relationships involving playful contacts activate and maintain burying behavior, but familiarity is not a significant factor, while dominance relationships modulate the patterns of burying behavior.

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