
The article analyzes the state of Ptilostemon echinocephalus (Willd.) Greuter (Lamyra echinocephala (Willd.) Tamamsch.) coenopopulations, a relict species included in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Crimea. Studies of Ptilostemon echinocephalus coenopopulations were conducted in 2018-2021 on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula in 10 associations. The analysis of the ontogenetic and spatial structure of Ptilostemon echinocephalus was conducted. The characteristics of coenopopulations are given according to the age index ∆, the efficiency index œ, according to the classification of L.A. Zhukova. The spatial structure score is determined using the Clark-Evans nearest neighbor index (R). The characteristics of ontogenetic and spatial structures reflect the adaptive properties of the studied plants and populations as a whole: in the phrygana communities, apparently, Ptilostemon echinocephalus does not experience significant competitive pressure, which allows its seeds and ramets to settle next to the maternal individuals, then forming groups. The seeds of Ptilostemon echinocephalus can grow mainly in the intervals between other plant species due to high competition, thus forming a random spatial distribution in petrophytic steppes with a varied species composition.

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