
Suitable causal inference in biostatistics can be best achieved by knowledge representation thanks to causal diagrams or directed acyclic graphs. However, necessary and sufficient causes are not easily represented. Since existing ontologies do not fill this gap, we designed OntoBioStat in order to enable covariate selection support based on causal relation representations. OntoBioStat automatic ontological causal diagram construction and inferences are detailed in this study. OntoBioStat inferences are allowed by Semantic Web Rule Language rules and axioms. First, statements made by the users include outcome, exposure, covariate, and causal relation specification. Then, reasoning enable automatic construction using generic instances of Meta_Variable and Necessary_Variable classes. Finally, inferred classes highlighted potential bias such as confounder-like. Ontological causal diagram built with OntoBioStat was compared to a standard causal diagram (without OntoBioStat) in a theoretical study. It was found that confounding and bias were not completely identified by the standard causal diagram, and erroneous covariate sets were provided. Further research is needed in order to make OntoBioStat more usable.

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