
The paper presents the results of research on the use of microgreens in the food industry for the manufacture of food products for various functional purposes, established the consumer properties of microgreens of different crops, the benefits of their use in the food industry. Current trends in the formation of a healthy diet dictate the need to create new products with increased biological and physiological value. An important role in this is played by the possibility of using raw materials grown in the immediate vicinity of the places of its processing. This significantly reduces the cost of transportation and storage of raw materials, expand the range of food. Improving the nutrition of the population is possible through the use in the recipe of natural plant raw materials, traditionally grown, collected, prepared and processed in Ukraine, which has high biological value is an important scientific and technical task of the food industry. Demands for food products are growing – they must not only meet the established, traditional tastes of consumers, but also belong to the category of healthy foods, not harm the human body, but strengthen it. There is a new need for nutrition, in which the necessary component of food is recognized not only useful but also dietary fiber. The medicinal properties of microgreens and their effects on human health have been studied. Features of their cultivation, storage and transportation are considered. It is established that the further use of microgreens in the food industry requires further studies of consumer properties, which took into account their impact on the human body, ie sanitary, antiseptic, biological properties, as well as their energy and medicinal value. In addition, today the issues of developing resource-saving technologies for processing and storage of finished raw materials remain unresolved and relevant, which will significantly extend the shelf life and use of raw materials, which in the future will lead to the use of these raw materials not only domestic but also European markets. Studies to determine the consumer properties of microgreens, we conclude that it contains a large number of vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, iron, etc. and chlorophyll, in addition, has a preventive and curative effect. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body’s efficiency, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, improves kidney function, improves cardiovascular function, reduces capillary permeability and has anti-inflammatory effects, and sulforaphane has anti-cancer and antibacterial effects. However, the further use of microgreens in the food industry requires further studies of consumer properties, which took into account their impact on the human body, ie sanitary, antiseptic, biological properties, as well as their energy and medicinal value.

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