
The article proposes a model for the complex analysis of the onomastic space of V. Sorokins story "The Day of the Oprichnik". Understanding and perception of a work of art requires its multidimensional interpretation. The most important role in the study of the linguistic identity of the writer, as well as in the study of his heritage, is played by the system of proper names, or onomastics, which reflects the author’s knowledge of the world of nature, man, society, culture. As a result of the study, the boundaries of the onomasticon of the artwork under consideration were identified: the core, the near-nuclear space, the periphery. In addition, the traditional principles in the construction of the anthroponymic and toponymic fields and innovative, peculiar only to the work of V. Sorokin, are defined. Such an approach contributes to solving the problems of forming the onomastic space of V. Sorokins artistic text, establishing the principles for the nomination of literary heroes in "The Day of the Oprichnik", highlighting the functions of proper names in the artistic text, defining the role of onyms in the work. The analysis showed that in the text under study the onomastic space is centered in the nucleus, which consists of personal names, last names, toponyms, but with some deviation from this principle, since the anthroponymic field is shifted to the perinuclear space, i.e. in the center is a nickname. Nevertheless, in general, the principle of field construction of onomastic space is preserved.

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