
AbstractThis papers describes an approach for visualizing the execution of OpenMP programs using a modular and distributed approach. The visualization as well as the execution are integrated into the DeWiz (Debugging Wizard) tool. DeWiz performs debugging activities on the notion of the event graph and divides these activities into different modules. The event graph model is used to describe state changes in programs. We apply this event graph model on OpenMP programs, which establish critical regions using “omp_set_lock” and “omp_unset_lock” operations, to generate a visual representation of the program execution. The OpenMP Program as well as the visualization of the resulting event graph run as separate modules in the DeWiz environment.KeywordsControl MessageGrid InfrastructureEvent GraphEvent ManipulationOpenMP ThreadThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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