
A set of interactive APL programs has been developed and used for monitoring and analyzing classroom verbal behavior. During teaching sessions, an observer directly enters at a terminal the changes of state in verbal activity. The data analysis performed by the programs is based on the Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System (FIAC System), a widely known and used classroom observation procedure. Data on ten categories of verbal activities are presented to the program as digits 0 through 9. Results from the program consist of five computed statistics and a frequency matrix displayed both as relative percentages and as absolute values.The complete program is available in APL during teaching sessions for execution in the APL/360, or the VMAPL-SV/370, APL-KRONOS environments. The program results are displayed, magnified in size and positioned on video monitors to provide immediate feedback to an instructor during each class. Data collected during an observation session can also be stored in the APL system as saved-variables for subsequent analyses and may be used for estimating observer reliability. The program package can be accessed by dial-up and can be accommodated in the standard public libraries of most APL systems.

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