
Compared with the traditional teaching mode, online distance teaching mode breaks the barriers of time and space so that more people have access to education, which makes Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) popular all over the world, especially in China. However, MOOCs bring more challenges to teaching in the meantime. Students’ participation in online learning becomes one of the most prominent problems, which is hard to deal with compared with traditional face-to-face teaching mode. So with the integration of the advantages of MOOCs and traditional teaching mode, Small Private Online Course(SPOC) teaching mode is more and more favored by educators. Guided by the 5C Framework Theory, this paper aims to advance effective online-teaching strategies in order to motivate students’ active participation in online learning process under SPOC mode. Based on the analyses of qualitative and quantitative data, the results show that teachers can improve students’ participation in online courses by “the Optimized Combination” from three dimensions: interactive teaching platforms, teaching content carriers and teaching task difficulty, which provide a new perspective for improving the effectiveness of online teaching.

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