
Recently, online vocabulary learning aids have been integrated into the curriculum to accommodate the new standards. This study investigates the effects of using online teaching materials for vocabulary development on ESL students in Perak’s primary level. The perspectives of students regarding the use of these instruments are also investigated. The results of the pre- and post-tests will be analysed using independent sample t-tests, paired sample t-tests, and descriptive statistics due to the quasi-experimental design of this study. In addition, the results and improvement percentages are compared. The mean ratings and standard deviation of the questionnaires are examined descriptively. The qualitative data from the semi-structured interview session is summarised, classified, and coded using content analysis. The experimental group’s paired sample t-test results were (t=-57.643, df=29, p.05) and (t=-16.389, df=29, p.05) for the control group. On the post-test, both the experimental and control groups demonstrated significant improvement (p=.000*). Nonetheless, the experimental group improved more than the control group (M difference = 21.47). To assist students in learning the proper vocabulary, online instructional aids are utilised. Additional research on the effectiveness of ESL primary students use of online instructional materials for language acquisition.

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