
A mediation model was used to test two hypotheses, (1) Online Support Group (OSG) use mediates self-stigma and recovery from self-stigma and (2), recovery from self-stigma mediates OSG use and support seeking. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using Bayesian estimation with Monte-Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) was used to analyse the model, based on the data collected from 99 users of OSGs for mental illness. The hypotheses were not supported. Active users were found to have higher levels of recovery from self-stigma and increased likelihood to have sought formal support. However, these perceived benefits maybe attributable to underlying factors which encourage a user to actively participate. Frequency of visits negatively affects recovery from self-stigma, suggesting that OSGs are a form of social avoidance, as opposed to a method of challenging the problem of stigma. This supports a growing body of research which is highlighting the negative effects of excessive dependency on OSGs. Users, moderators and mental health professionals need to be cognizant of the potential harm that excessive dependency can cause to already vulnerable people.

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