
The shopping culture of Indonesian people has changed from conventional shopping to online shopping as a result of advances in information technology. The aim of this research is to learn about the culture of online shopping and the behavior of Internet-generation customers in Indonesia. The study uses qualitative research methods and triangulation approaches to analyze the data. The study found that reviews or testimonials from relatives and Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) that the Internet Generation makes a prompt to buy goods or services significantly influence their online shopping behavior. The Internet generation uses the efficiency of time, location, and advertising as important factors in their shopping behavior, but price is the most important. In addition, the results show that consumer behavior and online shopping habits known by the internet generation in Indonesia are influenced by several factors such as brand, price, advertising, location and lifestyle. This is due to the Millennial Generation's assumption that the internet generation is able to utilize technology, the difficulty of shopping for products offline, decision making based on product factors and a consumptive lifestyle. Online shopping is very practical and easy, and the generation that is very familiar with the internet does not experience any difficulties. Besides, the Internet generation prefers to shop online through e-commerce, although sometimes they still do mixed shopping. Mix shopping here is defined as a mix between online and offline shopping, according to a particular consideration.

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