
Research is beginning to shed light on the problem of online sexual activities in the workplace. It is the first time in history that sexually explicit material is easily accessible via the Internet to anyone with access to a computer, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Just as sexual harassment was an issue that corporate America had to wrestle with, so too do businesses have to learn how to effectively deal with the use of the Internet for sexual activities in the workplace. These behaviors can cause serious social, psychological, ethical, legal, and financial problems for both businesses and their employees. While the research on these sexual behaviors has demonstrated that they can seriously interfere with work and a satisfying life style, little has been written to inform executives, managers, employers, Human Resource personnel, and Employee Assistance Program professionals who need to comprehensively manage the impact of this problem in the workplace. This paper educates the reader about the scope and nature of the problem in the workplace. It reviews the legal and social dilemmas posed by these activities, provides infor mation to educate and inform employees about managing the problem within the organization when it happens, and outlines proactive preventive measures that an employer may adopt to educate and support employees about sexuality in the workplace.

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