
The landscape of grocery shopping is changing fast. Online retailing via home delivery or ‘click and collect’, convenience stores and various hybrid shopping channels are gaining popularity with some consumers, but not with others. The central premise of this paper is that focusing on the ‘average grocery shopper’ is not very helpful if the objective is to understand recent and future changes in grocery shopping. There are few recent studies that have identified groups of individuals using online and multi-channel shopping by considering both observable behavior and associated attitudes – feelings, beliefs, opinions and behavioral dispositions – and by drawing explicitly on attitude theories from social psychology. The current paper thus aims to identify and describe groups of grocery shoppers using a psychographic segmentation approach that is explicitly grounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) and its close cousin, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis et al., 1989). Primary data were collected through a self-completion questionnaire that produced a largely representative study sample of 2032 grocery shoppers across the United Kingdom, Europe's largest market for online grocery shopping. A principal component and two stage cluster analysis methodology was implemented to identify five well-defined and highly interpretable segments according to their attitudes, norms, perceptions and beliefs, then profiled by their socio-economic and grocery shopping characteristics. The segments reveal a range of different grocery shopping preference levels, from those ‘super-shoppers’ (Flynn and Goldsmith, 2016) who are clearly attracted to the online experience and want more (‘Intensive Urbanites’, ‘Online Omnivores’) to those who appear resistant and socially responsible towards the adoption of online shopping services (‘Resisting and Responsible’). The key distinguishing features of these segments suggest that shoppers might be attracted to or repelled from online shopping for reasons of convenience, perceived benefits, costs and risks, technology affect, time pressures and fit into daily schedules (perceived behavioral control), as well as social and environmental dimensions of personal norms and beliefs.

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