
Multiple object tracking (MOT) is a fundamental issue and has attracted considerable attention in the autonomous driving community. This paper presents a novel MOT framework for autonomous driving. The framework consists of two stages of object representation and data association. In the stage of object representation, we employ appearance, motion, and position features to characterize objects. We design a spatial pyramidal pooling hash network (SPPHNet) to generate the appearance features. Multiple-level representative features in the SPPHNet are mapped into a similarity-preserving binary space, called hash features. The hash features retain the visual discriminability of high-dimensional features and are beneficial for computational efficiency. For data association, a two-tier data association scheme is designed to address the occlusion issue, consisting of an affinity cost model and a hash-based image retrieval model. The affinity cost model accommodates the hash features, disparity, and optical flow as the first tier of data association. The hash-based image retrieval model exploits the hash features and adopts image retrieval technology to handle reappearing objects as the second tier of data association. Experiments on the KITTI public benchmark dataset and our campus scenario sequences show that our method has superior tracking performance to the state-of-the-art vision-based MOT methods.

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