
The research has been conducted by the researcher to carry the Final Year Project (FYP) topic called Media Management Booking System. The Media Management Booking system is functioned as an integration between media management system, booking system, payroll system and gear management system. The system is specially designed for a group of media team members who works under marketing department called Beyond Media at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU). The system is designed using the PHP programming language which consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and phpMyAdmin. As most of the functions required a login function with username and password except for the recruitment system from the user side. The project was discovered because there was no official website for Beyond Media. Moreover, there is no proper system for users to book for the events coverage, members and admin to manage the events. For that, the research has been conducted based on the users who want to book the event coverage, the user who want to join Beyond Media, admin and senior member who wants to manage the event calendar and gears, senior members and selected members who want to sign the login working sheet, and admin and financial who wants to manage the payroll system using the online survey and observation methods. The unit testing and User Acceptance Testing has been tested to ensure the quality of the system and the feedback from the participants are useful for the further improvement of the system.

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