
BACKGROUND: Faculty satisfaction with online teaching is essential for having effective online courses, and student success. Hence, a standard and suitable measure for the evaluation of satisfaction from online learning is required. This study was conducted to psychometrically evaluate the Persian version of the Online Instructor Satisfaction Measure (OISM) in nursing–midwifery faculty members. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional methodology study was conducted among Iranian nursing–midwifery faculty members (n = 400) from April to May 2020. After forward–backward translation, the face and content validity were assessed. The construct validity of the questionnaire was evaluated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and its convergent and discriminant validities were evaluated. The reliability of the questionnaire was also evaluated through Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega. RESULTS: Five factors (instructor-student interaction, student-student interaction, affordance, institutional support, and course design/development/teaching interaction) were identified in the exploratory factor analysis (χ 2 (241) = 379.43, P < .001, χ 2/df = 1.574, GFI = 0.888, CFI = 0.939, IFI =.940, TLI =.930, RMSEA (90% C.I.) =.049 [.039.,058]). The questionnaire had acceptable content and convergent validity. The questionnaire had acceptable reliability. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of the study supported the adequate reliability, factorial, and convergent validities of OISM in a sample of Iranian nursing–midwifery faculty members.

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