
Modern state of online identity research on this phenomenon is discussed in this study. Different interpretations of the not well-established term “online identity” are examined, the research trends among Russian and Non-Russian authors are determined. Terms “virtual identity” and “online identity” are identified. Reasons and factors influencing the online identity formation on the Internet are analyzed. Individual online image formation features associated with self-regulation and self-presentation processes in IT environment are identified. These features are oriented on individual self-positioning built on other people’s expectations and limited ability to choose social roles as well as self-presenting outside of these roles. This, in return, violates the self-identification process and the formation of one’s own identity. Virtual identity construction factors of a person are described. Usually virtual identity emerges because of dissatisfaction with real identity traits or due to identity crisis as a means of compensating for real socialization. It is also a window of extra opportunities for self-expression and maximum personal fulfilment. The approaches to the structural and substantive content of the online identity phenomenon are considered. Online identity is a complex entity presented by a set of a person’s online image traits reflecting real individual characteristics and ensuring the integrity and identity of a person during Internet interaction. It is concluded that continuation of studying the online identity problems in the Internet environment is necessary. It opens up new possibilities for extensive search of possible alternatives in society’s perspective development and provides modern people possibilities to overcome identity crisis.

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