
The article describes the state of online learning at Voronezh State University and presents general information about its main components, such as e- library resources, electronic system for education process management, and the university’s online courses. Since 2001 the University is a participant of the scientific and technological program “Creation of the open education system in the Russian Federation”. Within the framework of this program an informational and educational portal Voronezh. OpeNet.ru − “Voronezh virtual university” has been established, which is a part of the mega-portal of the Russian informational and educational environment of open education (www.OpeNet.ru). In 2007 the University has started the work for implementation of network education based on LMS Moodle. Online education is being realized on three levels: e-library resources, organization of educational process (“Electronic University”), and online courses (distant courses, university online courses, and open online courses). Distant courses include 59 courses on ecology and learning foreign languages worked out in the framework of Tempus project. At present Voronezh State University is developing its own open online courses (MOOC) using the experience of Tomsk State University and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The implementation of online learning makes it possible to realize two main principles of modern education − “education for everybody” and “lifelong education”.


  • The article describes the state of online learning at Voronezh State University and presents general information about its main components, such as e-library resources, electronic system for education process management, and the university’s online courses

  • OpeNet.ru − “Voronezh virtual university” has been established, which is a part of the mega-portal of the Russian informational and educational environment of open education

  • In 2007 the University has started the work for implementation of network education based on LMS Moodle

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9. Moore M.G. Independent Learning, MOOCs, and the Open Badges Infrastructure // American Journal of Distance Education. Механизмы включения МООК в образовательные программы высшего образования: опыт Томского государственного университета // Развитие единой образовательной информационной среды: Материалы XIV Международной научнопрактической конференции. Опыт создания МООС: взгляд изнутри (методический и управленческий аспекты) // Открытое и дистанционное образование. Актуальные тенденции применения МООК в высшем образовании европейских стран: обзор публикаций Европейского саммита участников МООК-проектов 2015 года // Открытое и дистанционное образование.

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