
Students attendance in the classroom is one of instrument for marking in the end of class, several students are cheating they attendance while manual system used which is signed the form or sheet. Furthermore, manual sheet attendance is ineffective way while digital technology available and widely used in today. This research proposed on online attendance system for students and lecturers, where every student before entering the classroom have to tap their student card on RFID reader available in front of classroom. Attendance for time in and out set to complete of attendance in a lecture. Time tolerance for late and early out is set 10 minutes before and after the schedule time. Similar to students, every lecture required to tap as well before and after teaching in the classroom, besides that lecturer required to hold his card on RFID reader to on electricity in the classroom else no electricity and no power supply provided. The data of students and lecturer attendance with room number is set and send to a database for student's attendance record and honorarium for lecturer. This system tested in a classroom of Faculty of Engineering, Islamic University of Riau with the number of students is 40. Data collected by RFID reader passed to the cloud server through Arduino Microcontroller for filtering in case student double tapped in RFID scanner. In order to match and avoid cheating by students who tap double students card thus a camera installed in the classroom for record and match student face by image recognition system to picture taken as in the card. The system gives effective and efficiency in administration, paperless and efficiency for staff to control and check in manual attendance is one of the advantages of this system.

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